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Certification Reimbursement Scheme: HACCP, ISO-9000, ISO-14001

Ministry of MSME provides financial incentives in the form of reimbursement for units SMEs seeking to attain the ISO 9000/14001 certification. Acknowledging that, acquiring HACCP and ISO certification meeting the global standards is expensive. Thus, this reimbursement scheme aids the SMEs in conquering the same.

HACCP Certification

HACCP certification aids in food safety by promoting compiance subjected to thorough inspection by authorities and stakeholders. The certification becomes a mark of food safety and hygeine and systematically identifies any hazards during food production process. HACCP is built around the following principles:

Advancement of MSMEs and small-scale industries in India is prominent. Additionally, their growth invariable diminishes the boundaries that hinder the smooth flow of trade. However, for this to occur, the MSMEs and the SME must flourish. On the other hand, competition aids as well as challenges the growth of the sectors. Thereby, to prevail over the competition, it is necessary to achieve the international standards that improve marketability. Hence, by attaining certification such as HACCP and ISO mark, the sector achieves the standard and subsequently becomes reputable.

ISO Certification

The ISO certification depicts that the establishment and their respective products are abiding the international standard of quality. Nevertheless, prior to the issue of certification, several assessments pertaining to the quality will be conducted. Following that, the board shall five documents- ISO 9000, ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003. Also, documents dealing with the quality management and quality assurance segments.

Sample ISO Certificate

  1. ISO 9000- This certification deals with both quality management and assurance. Thereby, attaining this signifies that the unit meets the international quality standard, Additionally, this has been adopted by over 45 countries.
  2. ISO 14000- This completely deals with environmental management. Thus, checks the impact of the organization and their product on the environment. Further, this certification specifies that the unit has a minimal damaging effect that is less than the regulation. Moreover, this is considered as the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). 
Significance of the Certification 

Issuing this ISO suggests compliance with global standards. Therefore, the MSME and SMEs issuing this will become competitive nationally as well as internationally. Additionally, it also includes certain fund assistance. That is the financial scheme under DC-MSME, ISO 9000/ISO 14001 Certification Reimbursement Scheme. Accordingly, as the name suggests, it provides financial aid to apply for the ISO certification.

Annexure 1 of Scheme for HACCP/ISO-9000/ISO-14001 Reimbursement

Chief Characteristics of the Scheme  

As discussed earlier in the article, this is a scheme offering financial aid to apply for HACCP or ISO certification. Following are the salient features of the same:

  1. The cost for availing the certification is compensated by the scheme.
  2. Reimbursement will be up to 75% or until the limit of Rs 75,000.
  3. However, compensation is offered only on providing the Entrepreneurship Memorandum Number.
  4. The DC-MSME is the head of the scheme.
  5. Besides, DC of Small-Scale Industries (SSI), Ministry of SSI and the GoI also part take in the scheme.

Annexure 2 CA Certificate

Who can Apply for HACCP or ISO Certification Reimbursement Scheme?

The units must meet the following criteria:

  1. Registered small scale, ancillary, tiny, or small-scale services business Enterprises (SSSBE)
  2. Also, SSIs, or SSSBE that have issued the ISO certification
  3. Units under National Registration Board for Personnel and Training (NRBPTY)
  4. TQM Division of Textile Committee
  5. National Productivity Council (NPC)
  6. Small industries Services Institutes

Annexure 3 Affidavit

Documents Necessary for Applying and Checklist
  1. Application form
  2. Invoice of payments
  3. Permanent Registration Number (from DIC)


Application Protocol

Duly fill the application form and submit it to the respective address along with the necessary documents. Also, the form and the documents checklist are available at

The SSI must submit the same at DC-MSME at the following address

DC-MSME, 7th floor, A-wing,

Nirman Bhavan, Maulana Azad Road,

New Delhi- 110108.

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